Saturday, January 30, 2010


Our first stop came and went so quickly. I can hardly believe I am back on the boat sailing away from the beautiful Hawaiian Islands. I had so much fun getting to travel with my new friends and relaxing by the beach. In our first port, we overwhelmed the little town of Hilo, HI. All 600 students raced off the boat and into the cabs that took us to Robertson beach where we laid out on the lava rocks, swam in the ocean, and even rescued a sea turtle. Later Aly and I decided to take a stroll around town, which turned into a 4.5-mile hike back to our port. We got to see the whole town of Hilo. Tons of little beach houses scattered about, all with hammocks and surf boards on their front porches. Everyone was so friendly and no one seemed to be in hurry, such a peaceful way of life. After our adventure we boarded the buses for our Luau put on for us by the students of the University of Hawaii at Hilo. They took us on a tour of the University, taught us to make leis out of Hawaiian Tea leafs, and all 5 of their cultural groups performed native dances for us. We all left a little hungry though as real Hawaiian food is not a cuisine I want to try twice. The next day we stormed the local Walmart and stocked up on needed snacks and stuff. Then it was off to Honolulu.

Honolulu was quite a change of pace from sleepy Hilo. I could hardly believe what a large and bustling city it was. I spent the morning at the Alamoana mall with some girlfriends then met my roommate, Katy, and her parents for lunch at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Later we laid by the beach and people watched. Honolulu attracts some very interesting people. That night I met up with some other girlfriends and we treated ourselves to a nice restaurant on the beach. The next day we headed for the beach again and attempted paddle boarding. Because we were beginners they gave us long boards to use. Getting up was quite a challenge and on a few occasions the instructor had to chase after my paddle. Opps. Still we had a great time. It was so fun to get to hang out with everyone off of the boat. It all went by so quick but the best part was finally being able to use our cell phones again. We all had to readjust all over again back on the boat.

Now it is 11 days to Japan and lots and lots of school : (

1 comment:

  1. It is so great to hear all about your time in Hawaii. You have to share with me (everyone) interesting things that you learn. I would love to be in your shoes. Make sure to take lots of pictures! Miss you! :)
