Sunday, January 24, 2010


After a long 7 days aboard the MV Explorer we will finally be reaching our first stop, Hilo Hawaii! To say the ship is excited is an understatement. When I was walking along the deck today I noticed a large group of people gathering along the side of the ship. I went over only to discover all the commotion was about another boat visible on the horizon. We have been so isolated out in the vast Pacific Ocean for so long, the idea of an outside world is thrilling.

We have been busy in all of our classes preparing for our arrival to Hawaii. We have been learning about the history of the Hawaiian culture and the native Polynesians who have been there for over 2000 years. I have been actively participating in the Hula club at night led by some local Hawaiians aboard the ship. I am very excited for my big debut at the lu’au on our first night in Hilo. And let’s be clear, this is no five-star hotel’s wimpy attempt at a luau, no, this is the real thing. The University of Hawaii’s cultural center is putting on a real, traditional lu’au for us complete with lai making, a smoked pig, and lots and lots of hula! Should be a lot of fun! As for the rest of the time in Hilo we plan to take a tour of the University, lay by the beach, and stock up on American goods, as this is our last stop on U.S. soil for a very long time.

In Honolulu we have decided to just embrace what we truly are, tourists. My travel companions and I have booked a hotel on Wakiki Beach where we will be surfing, paddle boarding, swimming, and playing lots of beach volleyball. The weather is suppose to be nice and I think it will be a well deserved break from the seven days straight of school we just had (It felt so weird going to classes on a Saturday and Sunday!!). Most of all though I am excited to eat real food again, served at a restaurant!!

Well that is my agenda. I know I have been promising pictures but the ship's intranet is a little complicated and slow so I am hoping once I am on land again I can put up all my pictures and videos for you all to enjoy.


1 comment:

  1. Sooo great to hear from you! I am so jealous and interested in all that is going on with you. And...I can't wait to see pictures!!!
